Friedrich von Schrötter

Friedrich Leopold Freiherr von Schroetter Reich ( born February 1, 1743 residential village in the district later Bartenstein ( Ostpr. ), Kingdom of Prussia, † June 30, 1815 in Berlin) was a Prussian officer and minister. He belonged to the Prussian reformers.

Schroetter was Immanuel Kant, Theodor Gottlieb von Hippel the Elder and Johann Georg Scheffner in conjunction. Since 1791 Oberpräsident in Königsberg, he required all students who wanted to be employed in the East Prussian Department of Finance, to hear lectures by Christian Jakob Kraus. In 1795 he went as Minister of East Prussia to Berlin. 1807 /08 he was the staff of Heinrich Friedrich Karl vom und zum Stein. Schroetter lived to see the liberation of Prussia from the French occupation. He died as a member of the Privy Council.

Of particular importance is the 1796 led by him Schroettersche land survey after the incorporation of West Prussia in the Prussian state.


  • Map of East Prussia, together with Prussian Litt cut and Western Prussia, together with networks District from 1796 to 1802. In: Historical- Geographical Atlas of the land of Prussia. Delivery 6, Steiner, Wiesbaden 1978, ISBN 3-515-02671-1.

Orders and Awards
