Fuerza 2011

Fuerza Popular, formerly Fuerza 2011 (German: Strength 2011), is a right, fuji mori -Nazi party in Peru. It was founded on the occasion of the 2011 elections and supported the presidential candidacy of Keiko Fujimori, the daughter of the former dictatorial president Alberto Fujimori.

Fuerza 2011 succeeds the various fujimori Nazi parties and groupings Alianza por el Futuro ( Cambio 90 - Nueva mayoria ), and Sí Cumple. Associated also is the Catholic- conservative party Renovación Nacional Andean parliamentarian Rafael Rey, who competes as a vice presidential candidate Fujimori.

In the midterm elections on 10 April 2011, the party was with 22.97 % the second strongest, and can send 37 deputies in the Congress with 130 seats. In the Andean Parliament members for 23.21% of the votes of the five Peruvian delegates of the Fuerza Popular.

The top candidate Keiko Fujimori was able to qualify with 23.55 % for the second round of the presidential election on June 5, was then, however, with 48.5% of the left candidate Ollanta Humala inferior.

  • Peruvian party