Full Auto

Full Auto is a video game by Sega for Microsoft's Xbox 360 In Europe, it appeared on 10 February 2006. It is a vehicular combat racing game with game elements driving and shooting. A new feature that distinguishes Full Auto, is the Unwreck mode, a function to rewind the time to make mistakes undone. The sequel to Full Auto 2: Battlelines appears only for PlayStation Portable and PlayStation 3

Scenario and Features

The object of the game is to finish a race on a street course quickly and thereby eliminate as many of the enemy. To achieve the objective, the player can click on various military weapons to fall back on the front and back of the car.

Missing automaker licenses

Because Sega does not have the rights to use original brands and original look of the car, the vehicles are modified in the game, as in many other racing games, names and appearance. The reason for this is that car manufacturers have their products in racing games prefer not to see dented ( the realistic Gran Turismo series has supposedly must therefore dispense with a damage model, because it uses the original name). Nevertheless, many a vehicle in Full Auto is apparent that real model has been modeled.
