
An official ( "Agent ", honorary or full-time official or elected officials, from Latin fungi, " do ", " get ", "( Manage an office ) ") is a person who has a leading position within an organization. It is sociological functional and structural relationships as they have been studied eg by theories of functionalism, inter alia, by Bronisław Malinowski, Alfred Radcliffe - Brown and Talcott Parsons.

Functionary is one usually by co-optation, which is legitimized by a formal often necessary choice to the outside. This form of official recruitment is most found in parties. But in other associations ( sports official, a union official, etc.) is the selection of personnel often take such. Sociologically here are mainly the terms authority, bureaucracy, domination, accumulation of offices and immunization of importance. The functional differentiation and specialization within the meaning of the division of labor is relevant here ( vertical and horizontal sociological stratification ). In highly developed industrial societies often outweighs the vertical to the horizontal stratification.
