G. William Domhoff

George William (Bill) Domhoff ( born August 6, 1936 in Youngstown, Ohio ) is a professor of psychology and sociology at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He reached the B. A. in psychology at Duke University, an MA in psychology at Kent State University, and a doctorate in psychology at the University of Miami.

Domhoff is the author of Who Rules America? (2005) and many other well-known books in sociology and Power Structure Research. According to this research model it is based on the existence of a power elite that could influence government policy in the U.S. significantly. The guidelines of the policy ("policy formation process" ) are determined by a system of reality production, which had been produced through the collaboration of economically dependent universities, think tanks and foundations.

In addition, he is a renowned dream researcher with publications such as Finding Meaning in Dreams (1996 ) and The Scientific Study of Dreams ( 2003).
