Gadal language

Spoken in

  • Nilo-Saharan languages Songhai languages Northern Songhai Tihishit




Tihishit is proposed by Robert Nicolaï collective term for the spoken by nomads in Central Niger dialects Tagdal and Tabarog belonging to the Northern Songhai.

" Tihishit " is a word from the Tuareg language Tamahaq, which means " language of the blacks".

Northern Songhai                    / \            nomadic sedentary           / \ / \     Tadaksahak Tihishit Tasawaq Korandje                  / \ / \               Tagdal Tabarog Ingelsi Emghedeshie                                             ( extinct language of Agadez ) Web Links

  • Ethnologue entry to Tagdal
  • Open Language Archives Community
  • Northern Songhay Languages ​​in Mali and Niger