Gaius Matius

Gaius Matius ( † after 44 BC ) was a Roman citizen and friend of Gaius Julius Caesar and Marcus Tullius Cicero.

He belonged to the gens Matia. Matius mediated between Cicero, who often mentioned him in his letters ( among them is also a letter from the Matius receive ), and Caesar. He has held no political office, but was active during the Civil War for Caesar.

Probably he was the addressee of the letter, in which Caesar in 47 BC his victory over the Bosporan king Pharnakes II with the famous words, Veni Vidi Vici "I came, saw, conquered" reported. His biographer Plutarch returns the name Amintus, but is a person of that name prosopographically undetectable. The German classical scholar Conrad Cichorius proposed the conjecture Matius that has prevailed in the research since then.

After the death of Caesar himself Matius Octavian joined until Antony, then.

A Gaius Matius that the Elder wrote three cookbooks, according to Pliny, was probably his son.
