Gallieno Ferri

Gallieno Ferri aka Fergal ( born March 21, 1929 in Genoa, Genoa Province ) is an Italian comic book artist.

Life and work

Ferri turned only after several years of working as a surveyor to draw comics. Among his first graphic work included Il fantasma verde and Piuma Rossa. From 1949 Ferri drew the series Maskar. For the Catholic comic magazine Il Vittorioso he created in the 1950s, several Western comics. In collaboration with the author Guido Nolitta in 1961 was the Western comic book Zagor, which accounted for a large part of his work from this point on. Zagor publisher has been published in German under the title Rocky in the years 1964 and 1965 at the Walter Lehning. For also texted from Nolitta series Mister No, that was gestart in 1975, he recorded the first album and designed the first 115 items pictures.

Ferri, who signed his panels with Fergal, worked for the French and British comic market.
