Panel (comics)

In the graphic art of comics and cartoons, the term refers to a panel frame in a sequence. A comic strip is, for example, a sequence of 3 or 4 panels. In contrast, the panels of a comic book are mostly grouped in rows, with a varied creative brick wall -like layout of the page ( that is, a rigid grid ) is perceived as aesthetically pleasing and easy to read. Mangas often have more variable and less rigid panel partitions as opposed to western comics.

Default Panel sizes

In general, a cartoonist can decide freely on the number and appearance of the panels. However, there are several, mostly commercial areas where there are requirements to size and number of panels.

Comic strips

When printed in newspapers daily comic strips usually is only one line for the comic available. This is limited for practical reasons, the number of panels on 1 to 5

Sunday Strips

In American newspapers, it is customary to reprint one or even several pages of comics and cartoons in the Sunday edition. Until the forties of the twentieth century often filled a single comic strip - Sunday Strip - a full page. Thereafter, a special panel format for Sunday Strip is designed to give the various newspapers maximum flexibility for printing:

The strip is drawn in three image lines that fill half a newspaper page in full size.

Newspapers who want to use less space for a single strip, omit the upper row of panels. Thus, the strip takes only one third claim against it.

It is also possible to arrange the panels in two rows and smaller. Thus, the strip takes only a quarter of a claim against it.

This special format facilitates the sale of a Sunday Strips to various newspapers, as this may allow the strip more or less space. Comic artist - such as Bill Watterson - see in the strict guidelines limiting the possibilities of artistic expression. Characterized in that the first row of newspapers can be omitted, this has to be filled for example with a Gag, which has to do with the rest of the strip with little or nothing. The rest of the layout of the panels prevents images such as portrait-format panels that would eventually effect for the full story told.

Splash panel

A splash panel, sometimes referred to as a splash page or simply Splash, is a panel that covers an entire page or a very large portion of a page and thus exerts a particular effect on the reader or the reader. Professionals still distinguish between an opening splash and an interior splash.

The first side or the upper half of the first side is often an opening splash. This can also contain the title of the story as well as references to the author or authors. Some Opening Splashs should arouse curiosity only to the story, others are already on the history and give an introduction to these or show the locality in which the story takes place. For example, begin many volumes of Asterix and Obelix with a view of the Gallic village.

It is also Opening splashes used only on the second, third or fourth side of the story. If a splash panel later in history, so it is referred to as an interior splash. It is always a part of history and often featuring a highly dramatic part of the story.
