Gan Ying

Gan Ying (Chinese甘 英, Pinyin Gan Ying, W.-G. Kan Ying, Chong Lan Chinese style name崇 兰, Pinyin Chong Lán ) was a military ambassador of the Eastern Han Dynasty in China, in the year 97 with the Chinese military leader Ban Chao was sent on a mission to Rome. With the other 70,000 participants of the expedition he traveled from the in Qiuci ( in present-day Xinjiang ) by Parthia ( in present-day Iran) and Tiaozhi ( in present-day Iraq), and moved even further to the western edge of the Persian Gulf.

Although Gan Ying probably never reached Rome, he is at least in the historical records, one Chinese, the most came to the West in ancient times.

In the Hou Hanshu, a historical work on the Eastern Han Dynasty ( 25-220 ) is reported to him:

Another part of Hou Hanshu describes:

Gan Ying is a report to Rome, which, however, probably comes from second owner. He locates it west from the sea:

He also describes the Adoptivkaisertum of Nerva and the physical appearance of the Romans and their products:

Finally, Gan Ying Rome is correct as the western terminus of the Silk Road that:
