Gazprom Export

OOO Gazprom Export (Russian Газпром экспорт ) was founded in 1998 from the Soyuzgazexport of Gazprom. The Soyuzgazexport founded in 1973, was responsible for all gas supplies to the West in the Soviet Union and had an extensive gas network. Gazprom Export is a wholly owned subsidiary of Gazprom. It is one of the most successful and progressive companies of Russia, largely accounting for the revenue the Russian state budget their export earnings. 2002 amounted to the foreign exchange earnings from the export business of Gazprom export 16.5 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for around 10 % of the total foreign exchange earnings of Russia.

Gazprom Export is the largest exporter of natural gas worldwide. The company exports gas from Russia in 27 countries in Europe and the CIS countries, so that it covers in Europe alone, more than 25 percent of natural gas consumption from. From 1973 to 2003 in 2700 billion cubic meters of gas were delivered to Europe. 2007 were delivered 150.3 billion cubic meters of Gazprom export to European countries. The company is also involved in delivery of gas condensate, crude oil, liquefied hydrocarbons and other products in the oil, gas and petrochemical industries. Also, the expansion and optimization of gas supply networks on the territory of the former Soviet Union and in Europe Gazprom holds export, as well as the operation of natural gas storage. On Haidach storage facility in the state of Salzburg in Austria Gazprom holds a one-third. The other partners are the German and the Austrian Gashandelsfima Wingas RAG (RAG ), each with one-third stake. The Gazprom Germania GmbH is a subsidiary of Gazprom Export.
