
Gazprom - Media (Russian ОАО Газпром - Медиа / OAO Gazprom - Media ) is a Russian media company. The company was founded in 1998. The corporate headquarters are located in Moscow.

The company is part of Gazprombank and about which located in state majority-owned gas monopoly Gazprom. CEO of the company is Alexandr Dybal, General Nikolai Petrovich Valley ( April 2006).

Gazprom - Media is the majority owner of the following media companies:

  • TV channel: NTV, TNT and subscription television NTV Plus
  • Radio station Echo Moskvy, Relax FM 90.8, Perwoje popularnoje radio, Radio NEXT and SITI -FM 87.9.
  • Print media: The weekly magazine Itogi, the weeklies Peterburgski Chas Pik and Tribuna, the weekly TV magazine Sem dnej, as well as the monthly women's magazine caravan istorij
  • The production company NTV -Kino is dedicated mainly to the production of television films and television series.
  • The cinema center Oktjabr in Moscow
  • The real estate company Tele base includes a 570,000 -square-foot, located next to the cinema studio Gorki production site for film and television. She rents beyond sound studios, broadcast facilities, offices and storage areas.

The company's turnover in 2004 was about 500 million U.S. dollars.
