Gelasius of Cyzicus

As Gelasios of Cyzicus the author of a late antique church history is usually referred to, which was the end of the 5th century written (around 480) in the Greek language.

This car racing drying however, is based on an error, which is the Byzantine Patriarch Photios scholars and I. undermined and had crept into the editio princeps of 1599. The author of the history of the Church is true that he is the son of a presbyter of Cyzicus, but gives no information as to his name. The consequently anonymous author wrote his works apparently in response to a discussion that had emerged with some Miaphysites and that would appeal to the Council of Nicaea. To counter this, the author compiled information from several church histories accessible to him and wanted to reflect the real decisions of the Council.

His presentation is divided into three books. As the main source of the anonymous served the church history of Eusebius of Caesarea, he himself admits to have studied also the Acts of the Council. In addition, however, he used other writings, including Theodoret, and a lost work, as its author might Philipp may apply Side. Despite many shortcomings, such as some of the documents provided are very dubious, the work conveys some important information.

Editions and translations

  • Günther Christian Hansen (ed.): Anonymous Church History ( Gelasius Cyzicenus, CPG 6034 ). de Gruyter, Berlin / New York 2002.
  • Günther Christian Hansen (ed.): Anonymous of Cyzicus. Church history. Greek - German. 2 vols. Brepols, Turnhout, 2008.