
Gelon (c. 540 BC; † 478 BC) was in the 5th century BC Regent in Gela and Syracuse. He was the son of Deinomenes and therefore of the family of Deinomeniden.

After the death of Hippocrates, tyrant of Gela in 491 BC he was succeeded by Gelo, formerly commander of the cavalry. 488/487 BC, he was winner in the chariot race at the Olympic Games. 485 BC he took the call for help Gamoren to make ( the oligarchic landowners ) of Syracuse, who had been driven by the population themselves to the Lord of the city.

From now on he devoted his time no longer Gela (which he gave to his brother Hiero ), but the magnification of Syracuse, which now became extraordinary wealth and influence. He strengthened the city and its power there through resettlement of half the inhabitants of Gela there and built the army and the fleet. When the Greeks implored his aid against Xerxes, he rejected them because they did not want to give the command of the Allied forces him ( Herodotus vii. 171).

In the same year the Carthaginians in Sicily fell one, but were at Himera by Gelo and his father Theron, the tyrant of Akragas ( and father of Damarete ) trounced, with the result that Gelon was lord of the whole island. After he had secured his power, he pretended to want to resign, but this was rejected by the majority, so that he held until his death 478 BC could govern without opposition in the sequence.

He was worshiped as a hero, and his memory was kept so high that an exception was made ​​for him, 150 years later, at the time of Timoleon, the brass statues of tyrants should be sold.


  • Diodorus Siculus xi. 20-38.