Geltrude Comensoli

Geltrude Come Soli ( born Caterina Come solos ) ( born January 18, 1847 in Bienno, Italy, † February 18, 1903 in Bergamo, Italy) was an Italian foundress. She was canonized by the Catholic Church in 2009.


Caterina Come solos came in 1867 with the Ursulines. 1882 she founded together with the Blessed Francesco Spinelli Sacramentine of Bergamo (it.: Suore Adoratrici del Holy Sacrament ), dedicated to the worship of the Eucharist as well as the education of abandoned girls.

Geltrude of the Holy Sacrament, so their order name, was called by Pope John Paul II on February 26, 1989 and blessed by Pope Benedict XVI. canonized on 26 April 2009. Your Memorial Day in the liturgy is February 18.
