Gentiana cruciata

Cross - gentian ( Gentiana cruciata )

The cross - gentian ( Gentiana cruciata ), also called Kreuzblättriger gentian, is a plant that belongs to the genus of gentians (Gentiana ). The species name Gentiana cruciata was first published in 1753 by Carolus Linnaeus in Species Plantarum, p 231. Botanical and common names refer to the striking decussate leaves.


The cross - gentian grows as a perennial herbaceous plant growth and reaches heights of 10 to 40 cm. The a basal rosette and the stem distributed decussate arranged leaves are usually egg - lanceolate, usually three, rarely five annoying, leathery something, 5 to 10 ( to 15) cm long and 1 to 2.5 ( to 3.5 ) cm wide. The lower stem leaf pairs are fused at the base to a usually 1.5 to 2.5 (up to 4 ) cm long sheath.

The hermaphrodite flowers are cruciform and 2 to 2.5 cm long. The four inner light blue sepals are narrowly tubular and bell-shaped fused with four most wide - triangular and finely pointed calyx teeth; the calyx teeth are much shorter than the calyx tube. The four petals are outside dirty - blue to slightly greenish, inside pure blue and unspotted. The flowering period extends from June to September. Pollination is by insects.

Chromosome number: 2n = 52


In the south and Ostkarpathen the endemic Carpathian cross - gentian ( Gentiana cruciata ssp phlogifolia (Schott & Kotschy ) Tutin. ) Grows. It differs by smaller, light blue, white flowers inside.


The Cross Gentian Large Blues ( Phengaris rebeli ) invests only on the cross - gentian from his balls.

The Cross Gentian is a Kennart plant social class Festuco - Brometea.

Occurrence and risk

The distribution area of the cross - gentian comprises Europe ( with the exception of Portugal, the UK and Scandinavia ) and West Asia. In Austria it is scattered in all federal states.

The locations for the kalksteten cross - gentian sparse forests, forest edges, pasture grass and dry meadows be given. In Central Europe it grows in montane (up to subalpine ) height levels.

The cross - gentian is endangered in Austria in the Pannonian area, as well as in the northern and south-eastern foothills of the Alps.

Symbolism and legends

In the Middle Ages this type was particularly sought after and became the symbol of salvation through Jesus Christ, as the leaf pairs, the Blütensaum, stem and root marks are cross-shaped.

A Hungarian legends dealing with this species. In the army of King Ladislaus the Holy, the plague had broken out. In the dream, the king appeared an angel who told him to shoot an arrow into the air. The herb, on which the arrow would fall, would heal the sick soldiers. The next morning the arrow fell on the cross - gentian and so the Hungarian name was created for this species: Szent- Laszlo Kiraly - Fuere (herb of St. Ladislaus, king ).


Fruit stand

Carpathian cross - gentian
