Georg Christian, Prince of Lobkowicz

Prince Georg Christian von Lobkowitz (Czech: Jiří Lobkowicz Kristian z ) ( born May 14, 1835 in Vienna, † December 22, 1908 in Prague) was a Bohemian nobleman and politician.

After his studies, he joined State services. However, since he did not agree with the policy of Anton Schmerling, he withdrew and managed his extensive fortune. Since the sixties, he reached back into the political process and represented conservative interests Bohemian nobility. From 1865 to 1872 and from 1883 to 1907 he was represented in the Bohemian Diet, 1879-1883 Member of the Imperial Council and from 1883 Erbmitglied the manor. From 1871 to 1872 and from 1883 to 1907 he was District Marshal of the Kingdom of Bohemia. In 1871 he participated in negotiations on possible Austro- Bohemian Compromise.
