Georg Wenker

Georg Wenker ( born February 25, 1852 in Dusseldorf, † July 17, 1911 in Marburg ) was a German linguist.

Wenker 1867-1872 attended the Düsseldorf School, where he took the Abitur. He studied in Zurich, Bonn and Marburg and received his doctorate in 1876 at the University of Tübingen with a dissertation on the topic over the displacement of Stammsilbenauslautes in Germanic. In 1877 he became librarian in Marburg.

Wenker was from 1888 until his death, director of the Research Institute for German Language at the University of Marburg and founded the Linguistic Atlas of the German Empire, also known as Wenkeratlas and from which today's research German Linguistic Atlas. He presented to 1880 along the 40 that is now named after him Wenkersätze which he had transferred in subsequent years by teachers from across the German Reich in their respective local dialect. Today, similar phrases are used in many countries to make surveys for dialects.


1886 appointed him the Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Taal -en Letterkunde in Ghent for foreign honorary member.


  • Language Atlas of North and Central Germany. On the basis of systematically collected with the help of an elementary school teacher material from approximately 30,000 locations. Division I, Delivery 1 ( 6 cards and booklet ). Strasbourg / London 1881.
  • German linguistic atlas. On the basis of justified by G. Wenker Linguistic Atlas of the German Empire began in simplified form by F. Wrede, continued by W. Mitzka and B. Martin. Marburg 1927-56.