George Holt Thomas

George Holt Thomas ( born March 31, 1870 in London, † January 1, 1929 ) was a British publisher and aviation pioneer.

Thomas hit the aviation pioneer Henri Farman and realized after a conversation the military capabilities of the aircraft. Back in 1909, has been created at his suggestion one of the first airports in the UK ( Brooklands ), which was completed in 1910. He founded in 1912 the company Airco, which dealt with the aerospace industry. First designs of Farman were produced, but in 1914 they started with their own designs under the direction of Geoffrey de Havilland.

Thomas committed to pursue the development of the aircraft. So he founded already on 5 October 1916, a separate airline to Aircraft Transport and Travel Limited, held air racing and flight days. In its publisher also interested in aviation magazines were launched.

  • Aviation pioneer
  • Publishers ( 20th century)
  • Briton
  • Born 1870
  • Died in 1929
  • Man