Geranium cinereum

Gray cranesbill (Geranium cinereum )

The Grey cranesbill (Geranium cinereum ) is a plant of the genus Geranium (Geranium ) in the family of Geranium Family ( Geraniaceae ).


The Grey cranesbill is a perennial herbaceous plant with a rhizome, which reaches stature heights of 10 to 20 centimeters. The blue- green, rounded leaves measure on average mostly to 5, rarely to 7 centimeters.

The hermaphrodite, radiärsymmetrische flower is fünfzählig. The five free sepals are hairy fitting. The five free petals are light pink purple with darker veins.

The flowering period extends from June to September.


The Grey cranesbill occurs on rocky mats in the mountains in the western Mediterranean.


The Grey cranesbill is used as an ornamental plant dispersed in rock gardens. He is in culture at least since 1830. The variety ' Ballerina' blooms rich and long.


  • Corner Hardt J. Hunter, Friedrich Ebel, Peter Hanelt, Gerd Müller K. (ed.): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora of Germany. Volume 5: Herbaceous ornamental and useful plants. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2008, ISBN 978-3-8274-0918-8.