Geranium sylvaticum

Wood cranesbill (Geranium sylvaticum )

The wood cranesbill (Geranium sylvaticum ) belongs to the genus Geranium (Geranium ) from the family of Geranium Family ( Geraniaceae ). It is native to präalpinen as well as in coastal areas of northern and prefers to grow in subalpine tall herb fringe communities of forests, bushes, hedges, meadows, shores and rocky sites.

Description of the plant

The wood cranesbill is a perennial herbaceous plant, reaching heights of growth of 30 to 70 centimeters. The leaves are lobed intense green and pinnate. It flowers from May to June, 22 to 30 millimeters in size, dark bluish - up rötlichpurpurnen flowers that have a white center. The upper parts of the stalk, the flowers and the sepals are covered with glandular hairs. The further north one encounters this species in north-eastern Europe, the more often you will also find forms with pink or white flowers. The fruit has the typical pantograph- like shape.
