Gerhard Chroust

Gerhard Chroust ( born April 23, 1941 in Vienna) is an Austrian scientist and emeritus professor at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz. His main research topics are arithmetic expressions, the programming language PL / I, micro- programming, process models for software development, human factors and localization.

Gerhard Chroust studied from 1959 Communications Engineering at the Technical University of Vienna. He came in the course moderene computing technology with an IBM 650 computer in contact. He established it, the first contacts with the then university professor Heinz Zemanek. His thesis, entitled Cybernetic Model: Mühlespiel he graduated in 1964. He then studied at the University of Pennsylvania (Computer Science). He completed his studies in 1965 thereat with a master's thesis on the topic A Heuristic Derivation Seeker for Uniform Prefix Languages ​​from.

From 1966 he worked at the IBM Laboratory in Vienna; it remained until 1991, his professional home. Here he was involved in the creation of the Vienna Definition Language (VDL ). This description language was created for the formal description of the semantics of the programming language PL / I.

During the years 1972-76 Chroust was personal assistant to Heinz Zemanek. In this period, the foundation of the Austrian Computer Society ( OCG ), whose founding member was Chroust falls.

1974 helped Chroust with, for the PL / I- teaching in computer science studies at the Johannes Kepler University Linz ( JKU) to organize a IBM/370-Rechner. From 1975 he participated also in the teaching and research university. In 1979, Chroust habilitated with the habilitation thesis micro- programming as a tool for practical computer science.

Other fields were micro- programming, PL / I compiler for the IBM 8100, and the creation of a process model for software development for IBM 's Software Engineering Environment ADPS.

The appointment as university professor at the JKU took place in 1992. Chroust became head of the Department of System Engineering and Automation at the Institute of Systems Sciences under Professor Franz Pichler. 2004, the department was transformed into an independent institute. Chroust remained until his retirement in October 2007, the board of the institute. He was succeeded by Alexander Egyed.

Furthermore Chroust organized since 1993 the annual IDIMT meetings in the Czech Republic and every other year the week-long technical discussions ' Fuschl Conversations '.


Chroust committee is head of the OCG Series and a member of the Enlarged Bureau. He is president of the Austrian Society for computer science, a branch of the club OCG, and Vice President of the Austrian Society for Cybernetics study ( ÖSGK ) and Secretary General of the International Federation for Systems Research ( IFSR ).


Chroust has created an author, co-author or editor of over 10 books and over 400 scientific articles or contributed to it. A selection:
