Gianni Garko

Gianni Garko ( born July 15, 1935 in Zara, Dalmatia; actually Giovanni Garcovich, sometimes John Garko ) is an actor, often in spaghetti westerns.


Garko was born in Dalmatia and went as a young man to Trieste, where he gained as an actor in the theater group ' Universe City ' first experiences. During the visit the ' Thater Academy ' in Rome, he established contacts with the film industry, then in 1958 to a variety of roles, from 1966 to 1973 mainly in spaghetti westerns, helped him. Since the end of the successes of this film genres were seen Garko in many other genres, more and more television films and most recently (2002 ) in a TV soap.


Garko the breakthrough came with the role of ' Sartana ' in the eponymous film, which he later provided with other attributes, repeated several times, and thus the usual Avenger Image of most Italo - Western heroes inflicted a new variant: the ironic self- infallible sniper. To escape this typing, Garko also shot several films under the pseudonym ' Gary Hudson '.


Filmography (selection)
