Gibbula cineraria

Grey top shell ( Gibbula cineraria )

The Grey top shell, also known as Ash gray top shell, ash-colored turban shell or Fries button ( Gibbula cineraria ) is a snail from the family of centrifugal snails ( genus Gibbula ), who lives in the North Atlantic.


The frieze button lives on European shores of the Atlantic in constantly covered by water areas up to 100 meters depth ( subtidal ). They can be found there on hard floors and even on large Tangflächen. On the coasts of the North Sea (eg Helgoland) are often found angeschwämmte shell fragments.


The strong, cone-shaped case of this worm species has up to six weakly arched whorls. While the inside is smooth and nacreous - iridescent, the exterior is distinguished by the fact that it is ribbed flat spiral. The umbilicus is slightly narrowed from the mouth of the inner lip of the lid is round and horny. The housing with red or purple brown stripes reaches a height of 1.6 cm to 2 cm.
