Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo

Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo (also Giandomenico Tiepolo, born August 30, 1727 Venice, † March 3, 1804 in Venice) was an Italian painter of the Baroque.

Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo Giovanni Battista Tiepolo's eldest son. He was, as his younger brother Lorenzo, student, assistant and engraver in his father's workshop. Later he became increasingly equal employees, nevertheless remained long imitators of his famous father, until he at the Oratory of San Polo with 14 screens to the Stations of the Cross had in 1747 made ​​his debut as an independent artist. These small-scale representations are of historical interest, because in the time of their creation path to the cross of Christ was raised in Rome for a special prayer form, and because Domenico's cycle, the first of its kind in Venice was. Other independent works are in the imperial hall and staircase of the Würzburg Residence, where he helped his father in the years 1750-1753.

With scenes from rural life in the guesthouse of Villa Valmarana ai Nani at Vicenza Domenico Tiepolo eventually developed a truly unique style. Also the villa his family in Zianigo, the municipality of Mirano, embellish, the artist used his real talent to represent the everyday reality. He created there fascinating decorations to genre subjects that today in the Museo Correr, for example, the painting Pulcinella and saltimbanchi.

After his father's death in Madrid Domenico Tiepolo returned to Venice in 1770 end. In the 30 years that remained to him, he created mainly secular and religious images. Although he continued his father's style, but gave him a different quality, such as in the image of Abraham and the Three Angels. The genre and landscape details and the peasant Abraham are elements that are not found in Giambattista religious works.

At Domenico Tiepolo's work includes numerous etchings. Towards the end of the century the drawing won a new, image-wise independence with him. In addition to the processing of religious themes, he turned it increasingly representations from the salons and the leisure activities of Venetian society. The highlight is the famous series, in which he transferred the life of his time in the world Pulcinella, the wily servant figure of the Commedia dell'arte.

Works (selection)

  • 6 frescoes on the history of Porto family in Vicenza, in 1757; Frescoes in grisaille reared on a gold background, on Ln. Rau collection, Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck, Remagen.

The whistling wind instruments ( Il Pifferaio ) in the Museum Sartorio, 1770

Abraham and the Three Angels, 1773/74

Pulcinella and saltimbanchi ( artists ), 1790

Literature (selection )

  • Felix Reuße: Giandomenico Tiepolo. The Flight into Egypt. Etchings. Exhibition Augustinian Museum Freiburg. Freiburg: Rombach, 2007, ISBN 978-3-7930-5034-6. .
  • Hein -Th. Schulze Altcappenberg: Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696 - 1770) and his studio: Drawings and Etchings at the Berlin Museum of Prints and Drawings; [ Book accompanying the exhibition of Prints and Drawings occasion of the 300th birthday of Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, November 30, 1996 - March 2, 1997 ]. Berlin: Man, 1996, ISBN 3-7861-1791-8. .
  • Les Tiepolo ( Giambattista, Giandomenico, Lorenzo) une peintres - graveurs: Les Tiepolo peintres - graveurs est une exposition du Cabinet des Estampes, you presentee 4 avril au 26 août 2001 du Musée d' art et d' histoire, Geneva. Genève: Cabinet des Estampes du Musée d' art et d' histoire, 2001, ISBN 2-8306-0193-9. .
  • Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo: The Flight into Egypt; Stuttgart State Gallery, Graphic Arts Collection, November 29, 1999 - February 5, 2000 / Edit. by Christofer Conrad. Stuttgart State Gallery, 1999.
  • Heike Lenz Frosien: Six Tiepolo frescoes of the Palazzo Porto. In: Tiepolo and the face of Italy. Remagen 2009. Pp. 88-101. ISBN 978-3-8321-9223-5.