Giovanni Kessler

Giovanni Kessler ( born June 11, 1956 in Trento ) is an Italian lawyer and politician.

The son of Trentino politician Bruno Kessler in Trento graduated from the Humanist school Liceo Arcivescovile and then at the University of Bologna to study law, graduating with a thesis on constitutional law. From 1987 to 1995 he worked as the Deputy Public Prosecutor at the Regional Court of Trento, where he, in the wake of the Tangentopoli affair but performed particularly against drug trafficking and organized crime in the early 1990s against Trentino politicians investigation. From 1995 to 1997, when he worked for Sicily Caltanissetta public prosecutor, his focus was in investigations against the Mafia of Gela; during his time with the prosecutor Bolzano from 1997 to 2001, he dealt with offenses at European level.

Kessler served as an expert and consultant for the topic South East and Eastern and crime both in Italian ministries as well as the European Commission and the Euro Europe. 1998 and 1999 he was deputy head of the OSCE Kosovo Verification Mission, for which he was active in several election observation missions in the following years.

In 2001, Kessler was elected for five years for the Democrats of the Sinistra, then part of the Ulivo Alliance, in the Italian Chamber of Deputies. From 2003 to 2006 he was Vice- President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, 2006-2008 High Commissioner Prodi government in the fight against counterfeiting. 2006 also started Kessler's involvement in regional policy, where he at the foundation of the Trentino section of the Partito Democratico (PD ) lent his hand. In 2008, he was then elected to the Parliament of Trentino and its president. The term of office 2009/2010 he was president of the Conference of European Regional Legislative Assemblies.

Despite its status as an exponent of an opposition party Kessler received support from the government of Silvio Berlusconi for his application for the post of the Head of the European Anti -Fraud Office ( OLAF). On 14 December 2010 the European Commission Kessler, who is fluent in German and English appointed, the new OLAF Director-General. On 26 January 2011, he resigned from the office of Trentino Diet President, on 14 February, he also declined his seat in Parliament.

Dalli gate

As part of the resignation of Commissioner John Dalli Kessler is committing accused of serious calculation error, including Telephone conversations were tapped illegally and witnesses set to have under pressure. That is why his resignation from the office of the OLAF Director-General is required.
