Giovanni Pascoli

Giovanni Pascoli ( born December 31, 1855 in San Mauro di Romagna, Emilia -Romagna, † April 6, 1912 in Bologna ) was an Italian poet.


After a drawn strokes of fate childhood dedicated to Pascoli. As a student radical political ideas, which temporarily put him in prison in 1879 However, afterwards he turned to mainly the literature. 1905 Pascoli professor of Italian literature in Bologna. International fame he gained through his poetry, which dealt primarily with patriotic and historical issues. Of particular importance was his work for the development of the modern Italian language was fragmented to Pascoli time nor in numerous dialects. Many words dialectal origin were ever used by Pascoli for the first time in the seal - this was the greatest revolution of the Italian literary language since the Middle Ages. The most important work is considered the collection of poems " Myricae ", whose title dates back to a verse of Virgil: " [ ... ] arbusta iuvant humilesque myricae " ( 4 Ecl V.299. )


  • 2012 On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the death of the poet, the Banca d' Italia a coin in nominal value of € 2.00 was out.


- Myricae ( latest edition ) - Miei scritti di varia umanità

- Poemi conviviali

- Pensieri e discorsi

- Poemi italici

- La grande Proletaria si è mossa
