Giovanni Vincenzo Gravina

Giovanni Vincenzo Gravina ( born January 20, 1664 Roggiano at Cosenza in Calabria, † January 6, 1718 ) was an Italian writer and lawyer and co-founder of the Academy of the Arcadia.

Gravina came from a respected family and was under the guidance of his maternal uncle Gregorio Caloprese, who was recognized as a poet and philosopher, a comprehensive education before studying secular and canon law in Naples. In 1689 he came to Rome, where he worked in a influenced by Queen Christina of Sweden circle of poets co-founder of the Academy of the Arcadia was in 1690. There were soon two different tendencies out: that of Gravina, who had as role models Dante and Homer; and the more moderate of the Crescimbeni who referred to Petrarch. Because of this dispute Gravina resigned from the academia and founded in 1711 the Accademia dei Quirini.

Gravina discovered the poet and librettist Pietro Metastasio and took over his training. He later became a member and outstanding representatives of the Academy of the Arcadia, which had left his patron in 1711.

  • Author
  • Literature (17th century)
  • Literature (18th century)
  • Literature ( Italian)
  • Poetry
  • Poet lawyer
  • Italian
  • Born in 1664
  • Died in 1718
  • Man