Giuseppe Cesari

Giuseppe Cesari ( born February 1568 Arpino, † July 3, 1640 in Rome), called Il Cavaliere d' Arpino, was an Italian painter.


Cesari came 13 years after Rome and went here initially employed in the Vatican painters at hand. He watched them from their techniques, and succeeded to paint on a pillar a few satyrs, giving him the support of Gregory XIII. procured. Soon they saw in him the greatest painters of Rome. The orders piled up and he was raised by Clement VIII knighted and Director of San Giovanni in Laterano. The Cardinal Aldobrandini in 1600 took him to France, where Henry IV granted him the Order of St. Michael.

In Naples he painted, but had to flee from there before the hostility of the local artists to Rome. However, with the appearance of the Carracci and Caravaggio struck the Roman school, which he controlled, other railways. Its main activity in later years was therefore in the manufacture of cartons for the mosaics in San Michele and the dome of St. Peter. Cesari is regarded as an extremely skillful, full of lively imagination of talented artists. His works are designed with zeal and with a pleasant color scheme. Detail in his paintings, however, one must not look for, especially in the works of his second period, the bear too much the character of improvisation. His main work are the frescoes of Roman history in the hall of conservators at the Capitol.

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Pictures of Giuseppe Cesari
