Giuseppe Zamboni

Giuseppe Zamboni ( born June 1, 1776 in Verona, † July 25, 1846 ) was a Catholic priest and physicist.

Giuseppe Zamboni invented, among other things, in 1812 the Zambonisäule, a high-voltage dry battery with up to 4000 galvanic cells, and in 1820 the Zamboni pendulum, an electrostatic pendulum, which was powered by this battery. Since this pendulum apparently ran for many decades without electrical power consumption, it has been interpreted by some people as a perpetual motion machine. The electrical power required to operate is in fact in the middle and very low flows intermittently through charge transport of the oscillating body.

The Zamboni swing is a popular experiment in physics lessons and here is mostly fed with a Wimshurst machine or a Van de Graaff generator.

Zamboni in 1817 appointed a corresponding member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences.
