GJ 3021


FY 3021 (also known as HD 1237 ) is a star in the Gliese - Jahreiß catalog, which is due to its resemblance to the sun and the existence of an exoplanet of special scientific importance. The star is of spectral type G6 V and is filed under Small water snake in the constellation. The surface temperature of the star is about 5600 Kelvin, its mass is 90 % of the solar mass. About the age of since the discovery of exoplanets closely examined the star there are different views, the assessments vary depending on the method of determination between 150 million and 8.8 billion years ago. The star from the sun is about 57.5 light-years ( 17.6 parsecs ) away.

The companion

The exoplanet orbiting the star GJ 3021 b is known and is likely to be a Jupiter -like gaseous planet.


  • Small water snake
  • Binary star
  • Star with exoplanet
  • Yellow Dwarf
  • Star catalog Gliese Jahreiß