Gliese 876 b

Gliese 876 b is an exoplanet, the red dwarf Gliese 876 orbiting the all 60.940 days. He is the first known planet that orbits a red dwarf star and is the outermost known planet of its planetary system.


The planet was discovered by two different teams, one led by Geoffrey Marcy, the other by Xavier Delfosse. As the majority of exoplanets it has been discovered using the radial velocity method.

Circulation and mass

The planet has a 2:1 orbital resonance with the more inner planet Gliese 876 c, leading the strong gravitational interactions. As a result, the path element of the planet is changing quite rapidly. The planet orbits its star at a distance of about 0,208 astronomical units and has a minimum mass of about 613.5 Earth masses and 1.93 Jupiter masses. Its radius is estimated to 61,000 km.

Climate and composition

It is estimated that exists on the planet, a temperature of -63 ° C.

  • Exoplanet
  • Aquarius ( constellation )
  • Star catalog Gliese Jahreiß