Gliese 876 c

Gliese 876 c is an exoplanet, the red dwarf Gliese 876 orbiting the all 30.340 days. Gliese 876 c is the second known planet of its planetary system. The planet was discovered in 2001.


At the time of discovery was already known that Gliese 876 had an exoplanet, Gliese 876 b. Subsequent analyzes of the radial velocity revealed the existence of a second planet, Gliese 876 c.

Circulation and mass

Gliese 876 c has a 1:2 orbital resonance with the further outward planet Gliese 876 b, which leads to strong gravitational interactions of the two planets. This causes rapid changes in the path element. Its orbit is more eccentric than those of the major planets of our solar system. The planet orbits its star at a distance of approximately 0.13 astronomical units and has a minimum mass of about 196.8 Earth masses and 0.619 Jupiter masses.

  • Exoplanet
  • Aquarius ( constellation )