Gloria Coates

Gloria Coates ( born October 10, 1938 in Wausau, Wisconsin) is an American composer who lives in Munich.


Gloria Coates began early to compose and won already fourteen years in a national composition competition. After completing her composition studies, she moved on to Louisiana State University and Columbia University in New York with Otto Luening, at the Mozarteum in Salzburg, as well as Alexander Tcherepnin.

Your Music on Open Strings ( Symphony No. 1 ), created in 1973, was in 1978 at the Warsaw Autumn, the most discussed work; it was honored in 1986 as a finalist in the Koussevitzky Prize and listed as the first orchestral composition of a composer in the 35 years of the series as part of the Musica Viva concerts of the Bavarian Radio in 1980. Her works have been performed among others at the Dresden Music Festival, New Music America in 1972, and at the Darmstadt Summer Courses for New Music.

From her work stands out in particular the high number of now 15 symphonies, which are also often performed by major orchestras. In addition, she composed string quartets, chamber music and vocal works, works for solo instruments, electronic music, and works for the stage, such as Everyman. Morality Play ( incidental music to everyone ) 1962.

Between 1971 and 1984 she organized concerts with German - American music in Germany.

Works (selection)
