Goldfields Highway

Template: Infobox several high-level roads / maintenance / AU -R


Western Australia

The Goldfields Highway is a highway in the center of the Australian state of Western Australia. It combines the Widgiemootha Road in Kambalda West, with the Great Northern Highway, Meekatharra.


The highway begins in Kambalda West as a continuation of Widgiemootha Road ( R94 ), which branches off again southwest of Kambalda to the northeast of Coolgardie - Esperance Highway ( N94 ) ​​. After 60 km, the twin city of Kalgoorlie - Boulder is reached. There, the Great Eastern Highway ( R94 ) joins from the west, while the Goldfields Highway runs as ALT 94 north across Menzies to Leonora. There branches off to the east from the Laverton Leonora Road, which is from Laverton to the Great Central Road.

Next, the highway leads north over Leinster to Wiluna. There branches off to the east a road that is from Old Carnegie to Gunbarrel Highway. To the north, leading the longest and hardest Outbackpiste Australia, the Canning Stock Route, further, while the Goldfields Highway - now unattached - further extends 184 km to the west and ends in Meekatharra on the Great Northern Highway.


Steve Parish: Australian Touring Atlas. Steve Parish Publishing. Archerfield QLD 2007 ISBN. 978-1-74193-232-4. S. 85

  • Road in Western Australia