Golos Truda


Publication activities in Russia

Volin described the nearly six-month gap between the February Revolution and the launch of the magazine in Russia as " a large and no longer aufzuholenden residue ", and each issue this time contained what Volin later described as " clear and distinct item in the direction that the anarcho-syndicalists as constructive work for the approaching revolution appeared. " he cited " a series of articles on the role of factory committees, articles on the tasks of the Soviets and other articles on the agricultural question, the new organization of work and on the exchange. " In Golos Truda extensive article about the general strike appeared, and the French bourses du travail and the syndicats. The magazine introduced after the October Revolution later that year to daily publication. In a series of articles, Golos Truda announced the need to abandon the Bolshevik dictatorship of the proletariat and to allow the workers free associations and activities.

Oppression and legacy

Despite the ban the magazine, the Golos Truda group continued its work and eventually published a final output in the form of a magazine in St. Petersburg and Moscow in December 1919 during the period of the New Economic Policy. (1921 - 1928) published the group a number of works, including the collected works of the major anarchist theorist Mikhail Bakunin in Saint Petersburg from 1919 to 1922. the low tolerated by the regime anarchist activities, was terminated after the seizure of power by Josef Stalin and the book shops of Golos Truda group in Moscow and St. Petersburg were finally closed in the wake of an abrupt and violent wave of repression. The magazine was also suppressed by the Ministry of Postal Services of the United States, where it passes through the widespread magazine chleb i Volya ( bread and freedom, first appeared on February 26, 1919) was succeeded, in turn, banned in the United States and Canada because of their anarchist position been.
