Gomphrena globosa

True globe amaranth ( Gomphrena globosa )

The genuine globe amaranth ( Gomphrena globosa ) is a plant from the family of Amaranthaceae.


The genuine globe amaranth is an erect, annual plant, which reaches stature heights up to 30 inches. The leaves are oblong or ovate, obtuse or acute, mucronate and hairy. They are 2-10 inches long. The inflorescence is globose and dyed purple violet, pink or orange. It has a diameter of 2 to 3 centimeters.

The flowering period extends from July to September.


The genuine globe amaranth occurs in tropical to subtropical America.


The genuine globe amaranth is rarely used as an ornamental plant for summer discounts as well as a cut flower and as a dried flower. The species is in cultivation since at least 1714. There are some varieties, such as only 15 centimeters high 'Nana Compacta'.


  • Corner Hardt J. Hunter, Friedrich Ebel, Peter Hanelt, Gerd Müller K. (ed.): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora of Germany. Volume 5: Herbaceous ornamental and useful plants. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2008, ISBN 978-3-8274-0918-8.