Gorgasia sillneri

Red Sea Röhrenaal ( Gorgasia sillneri )

The Red Sea Röhrenaal ( Gorgasia sillneri ) is a fish of the genus Gorgosia from the family of conger eels ( congers ).

External appearance

Red sea eels have a spindle-shaped eel-like body of pale gray in color. The body is scaleless and covered by a layer of mucus. The head is short acuminate and easily. It is covered with opalescent spots. The animals reached a maximum length of 83 cm. Usually, however, they are only 45 cm long.


The animals are found in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba.


The Red Sea Röhrenaal inhabits sandy areas in water depths between 5 and 100 m. The animals live in a self- dug burrows in the sand, the walls are glued with a secretion from a gland at the tail. The tubes are dug vertically into the sand and the fish "stand" upright in these caves. Red Sea eels live in herds and place the caves close to their peers. Likely risk of the fish immediately pull back to their caves.


Red Sea eels live on plankton, which they catch from their sockets upright standing out with swaying movements of the head. Move this less than half of their body length out of the cave.
