Gorowa people

The Gorowa (also Goroa, Gorwa or Gorwaa ) are an ethnic group living in the territory of Babati and Mount Fiome or Ufiome in northern Tanzania. After the mountain the Gorowa are also called Fiome or Wafiome. The language of Gorowa, the Gorowa, is a südkuschitische language and is the language of neighboring Iraqw most closely related. Iraqw and Gorowa maintain close relationships - the Iraqw corn trade for iron goods from the Gorowa - and they can communicate with each other but see themselves as two different groups. Roland Kiessling estimated the number of Gorowa 1999 to around 50,000.


  • Maarten Mous: A grammar of Iraqw, Cushitic Language Studies 9, Buske Verlag 1993, ISBN 9783875480573 (p. 2)
  • Ethnologue: Gorowa
  • Ethnic group in Tanzania
  • Ethnicity in Africa