Gosen Wakashū

Goshen - Wakashū (Japanese后 撰 和 歌集also:后 撰 集Goshen shū, dt about " gleaning ") is a waka anthology from the early Heian period of Japan. It is part of the collection of 21 epochs and was, as a second imperial anthology of 62 Tennō given by Murakami ( 926-967 ) and completed in 951. The compilers of the anthology were the five members of the Nashitsubo no gonin梨壺の五人: Ōnakatomi no Yoshinobu ( 922-991 ), Kiyohara no Motosuke ( 908-990 ), Minamoto no Shitagō ( 911-983 ), Ki no Tokibumi and Sakanoue no Mochiki. The anthology includes 20 rolls with a total of 1426 Waka.

The name of gleaning ( Late collection ) comes from the fact that the poems should be included in the Kokin - Wakashū, but were then rejected because of defects in quality.
