Gough Finch

Image of a male Gough Bunting

The Gough bunting or Rowettia ( Rowettia goughensis ) lives on Gough Island in the South Atlantic. First Name and description of George Comer 1866. These buntings, the appearance in the course of life changes considerably. In the first two years, they have a beige- brown plumage with distinctive black-brown stripes. In later years, they are relatively uniform olive green. Preferred habitat is the coastal strip, in particular the tidal range between high and low tide because of the many insects landed on floating debris. Country insects, berries and seeds supplement the diet. The Gough Bunting is a ground-nesting birds with a clutch of only two eggs. Main enemies are gulls and entrained mice. The threat level was upgraded in 2008 by the IUCN on CR ( critically endangered ).

