Gozo Shioda

Shioda Gozo (Japanese塩 田 刚 三, born September 9, 1915 at the Shinjuku district in Tokyo, Japan, † July 17, 1994 in Tokyo ) was the founder of Yoshinkan Aikido, for which he systematized aikido techniques. The second son of the doctor Shioda Sei'ichi studied in his youth judo and kendo. Since 1932 he was a student in Kobukan - dojo where he trained for eight years as Uchi Deshi - under Ueshiba Morihei. This gave him the 1961 9th Dan Aikido. The 10th Dan Aikido Shioda was awarded in 1985 by the International Budo Federation. He was also one of the few winners of the title Meijin, the highest award that could be given a modern budo.

During the Second World War, he was stationed as a member of the Imperial Japanese Army in China, until he returned to Japan in 1946.

Opened in 1955 in Shioda Tsukudo - Hachiman, Shinjuku own dojo. In addition, he was the author of several books on martial arts in Japanese and English.
