Grabenbach (Bad Reichenhall)

The grave Bach is a good four km long tributary of the Saalachstrasse. The first 1878 meters, it is an underground passage beneath the city of Bad Reichenhall. The deepest part of the channel lies eleven feet below the ground.


The tunnel was built from about 1524 to 1538 after plans by Erasmus Grasser.


After defining the pipeline route and the measurement of the gap in 1522 was started in 1524 with the construction of the canal, under the direction of the architect Fabian Zehentner and supervision of the salt Hans Maier Humbs. From north to south the trench was dug, in the direction of the higher saline. Therefore, had dug deeper and deeper with progressive construction and a gradient of 8.5 m can be compensated. At a length of 1975 m, the channel was 2 m high and 2.5 m wide lined, vaulted and then refilled with soil. 1534 had reached the well shaft and in 1538 construction was completed.


The canal begins in the ancient saline, and occurs near the Gewerkenstrasse back to the surface. In the nearly two kilometers in length, there are five air ducts. Then it flows more 2550 meters through the Marzoller Au to the Saalachstrasse. In the area of ​​Kurstraße one of the shafts has been renovated by a glass plate can now be seen in the depth of the grave creek. The creek is one continuous section with a boat, it will be offered at irregular intervals tours for small groups through the shaft.


The grave Bach to the invading fresh water and the water of the driving wheels of the tunnels lead, so it does not mix with the salt water. Today, some of the water for Wassertretbecken in the pedestrian zone will be used. In addition, extend channel still pipes that carry the brine to the salt works and the Wandelhalle. Even rainwater from the pedestrian zone is passed into the creek.
