Grafton (Ohio)

Lorain County


Grafton is a village in Lorain County, Ohio, United States. It is located on the eastern shore of the Black River. 2000, there were 2302 inhabitants here. Grafton is the home of the state prison Lobrain Correctional Institution and several other prisons.


The urban area covers 11.7 km2.


There are 832 households in the village. The village has 643 families. The population density is 197 inhabitants per square kilometer. The population is spread over 37.3 % White, 0.52 % Black, 0.35% Native American, 0.26 % Asian, and 0.83% more racy. 28.2% of the population is under 18, 8.1% 18-24, 30.5% 25-44, 23.2% 45-65 and 10.0 % over 65, 100 women are 93.6 males. For every 100 girls under 18 are 90.4 boys. The median age is 35 years.

Well-known residents

  • Ed McKean, born in Grafton, is a Major League Baseball player
  • Ryan Feierabend is a Major League Baseball player
  • Location in Ohio
  • Location in North America
  • Lorain County