
A gram is a unit of measure for the mass, the unit symbol is g One gram is one thousandth of a kilogram (kg ), the official SI base unit for mass. In this way than 0.001 kg, the gram is defined in national unity laws and standards.

Origin of the name

The name comes from the Latin gramma (Greek γράμμα ), the name given to a small weight (1/24 ounce, according to the so-called qualms about 1.25 g).

Conventional mass units

Using attachments for units of measurement, one can write: 10-12 Mt = Tg = 10-12 10-9 10-6 kt = t = 10-3 kg = 1 g = 103 mg = 106 ug = 109 ng = 1012 pg

Written out:

In English-speaking common units:

1 pound = 16 ounces = 453.59238 g


2.2046 pounds = 1000 g

Especially in chemistry and atomic physics, the atomic mass unit (also known as Dalton, Da, referred ) used. It is derived from the mass of a proton, but slightly different definition.


One gram of distilled water is occupied by the volume of a cubic centimeter of a milliliter or at a temperature of 3.98 ° C and a pressure of 101,325 kPa. Since 1889, the thousandth part of Urkilogramms, which is kept in Paris, set as one gram.

Notwithstanding the other rules in the SI not forming decimal parts and multiples of units of mass, by starting from the base unit kilogram, but by derivation from grams. Here, the megagram has the special name tonne ( t).


The decagram has the SI -conforming unit symbol " dag ". In the Republic of Austria, the decagram (= 10 grams) has been introduced by the Act of July 5, 1950 as legal measure of the mass with the character " dkg " before emergence of the SI. In 1973, the character according to the rules in the SI was changed to " dag ". The original characters remained until 31 December 1977 on transitional allowed. In Austria (and the other successor states of Austria -Hungary ), the unit decagram often used especially when purchasing foods and in recipes and colloquially often shortens to " Deka ". In a way, it continues the metric Lot.


In Italy, the Hg ( ettogrammo, colloquially shortened to etto, = 100 grams) a usual shopping for food unit.
