Grammatical number#Quadral

The Quadral referred to in the grammar a number and represents the four (er) number. He is occupied in any natural language.

Supposed evidence

A survey of linguists Greville Corbett from 1994 showed that there are two languages ​​which are shown to have Quadral: Sursurunga from New Ireland and Marshallese of the Marshall Islands. In both cases, the alleged Quadral proved Paukal, as he stated in his book Number ( 2000).


1986 identified the linguist Don Hutchisson limited to two pronouns Numbers of Sursurunga as a supposed Trial and Quadral. In fact, it was at the trial or Quadral to a "smaller " or " larger" Paukal. The " smaller Paukal " requires at least three persons, the " bigger" at least four people. Both, however, are not set to an exact number.

Note: are given two forms from the plural column for the first person: the upper includes the addressee or a ( = inclusive, eg gitar means " me and you "), which closes the lower or the addressee of ( = exclusive, eg Giur means " he and I, without you ").


The marschallesische language is also an oceanic language, but part of the Micronesian branch. Also the marschallesische Quadral proved Paukal for at least four people. The marschallesische trial, however, is occupied as such.


Also a 5 Numbers System has the oceanic Tangga language that is closely related to the Sursurunga. Linguists Capell (1971) and Beaumont (1976 ) described the fifth number already as Paukalvariante and called this " quadruple ". For this reason, the language in the above survey of 1994 was disregarded.
