Grana, Germany

51.05527777777812.105277777778161Koordinaten: 51 ° 3 ' 19 " N, 12 ° 6' 19" E

Grana is a district of the municipality Kretzschau in Burgenland district, in Saxony -Anhalt.

  • 4.1 traffic


Geographical Location

Grana is located northwest of Zeitz at the White Elster.

As districts of the former municipality were reported:

  • Grana
  • Kleinosida
  • Salsitz
  • Mannsdorf
  • Station Haynsburg


Grana was first documented in 976.

On January 1, 2010, the formerly independent communities Grana and Döschwitz merged with the municipality Kretzschau the new community Kretzschau.


  • Heimatstube in Salsitz
  • Romanesque church in Salsitz
  • Vineyards - winery and wine shop in Salsitz

Economy and infrastructure


Nearest train station is Zeitz; Monday to Friday ( on school days ) also drive a few buses from the bus stop. Directly by the municipality runs the federal highway 180 which leads from Zeitz to Naumburg ( Saale).
