Grand Geyser

The Grand Geyser is located in the Upper Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park in the United States. It is the largest regularly erupting geyser in the world. It received its name in 1871 by the participants of the Hayden expedition, because they had so far seen no major geyser during their research trip through the Yellowstone area.

In the history of Yellowstone National Park, the Grand Geyser long time belonged to the little predictable geysers, its eruptions were very irregular. Today he is much more regularly. The eruption of Grand Geyser are held every 7 to 15 hours.

The Grand Geyser is one of the fountain -like geysers, ie the discharge of water occurs as a gush and may consist of multiple impacts. An average eruption of Grand Geyser takes 9-12 minutes and consists of 1 to 4 Wasserausstößen. In this case, the eruption reach a height of up to 60 m. After the end of an outbreak groundwater - geyser basin is completely emptied. In a period of about five hours it fills up again slowly with water.

The Grand Geyser is part of the eponymous Grand- group and forms its center. Next to the group include the Turban Geyser, Vent Geyser, Rift Geyser and the West Triplet Geyser.

Most geysers of Grand- group are characterized by relatively frequent eruptions. In addition, they influence each other in their activities. It was found that the Grand Geyser erupts only after a previously taken place eruption of Turban Geyser. The Vent Geyser erupting almost exclusively in connection with the Grand geyser activity and eruptions of the Rift Geyser or the West Triplet Geyser have a retarding effect on outbreaks of Grand Geyser.
