
Gravatá on the map of Pernambuco

Gravatá is a place in the Brazilian state of Pernambuco and is located about 75 km west-southwest of Recife, capital of Pernambuco. Gravatá is located at a latitude of 8 ° 11 ' 59 " North and 35 ° 34 ' west longitude, covers an area of 507 km ² and lies at an altitude 400-570 m above sea level. Gravatá has about 70 243 inhabitants ( 2004). the climate is mild, the average annual temperature is 22 ° C. Gravatá bordered on the north and northeast Passira and Bezerros, to the east by Pombos and Cha Grande, to the south Amaraji and Cortês and to the west of Barra de Guabiraba and SAIRE. , the patron saint of Gravatá is Nossa Senhora de Sant'Anna.


The origin of the village Gravatá located in a farm of José Justino Carreiro de Miranda, which served as a hostel for travelers in 1808, the sugar and beef negotiated, to the epoch of the most important trade goods transported from Recife on the river Ipojuca inland were. Travel through the area were difficult. The merchants were forced to strategic holding, also to avoid that the cattle lost weight.

The picnic area was known as Crauatá ( earth good pastures ). The term Caruatá includes the name Karawatã, which means " bush the holes" ( mato que fura ) as the place was called in the Indian Tupi language, but also the name of a prevailing Bromelienart called Caraguata, alternatively Caroatá, caroa and Gravatá called.

On May 30, 1881 Gravatá was aborted by the provincial Law No. 1,560 from the urban area of Bezerros. On 13 June 1884, the area was declared a city.

At the end of the 19th century, the railway Liene Great Westerns Railways was built between Recife and the hinterland of Pernambuco. 1950 shortened the newly built highway BR- 232 then again the journey time to Gravatá essential.

Great Westerns Railways

The railway line Great Westerns Railways between Recife and Gravatá was built in the years 1881-1894. A problem in the construction was the mountainous landscape in the area Gravatás, so many bridges and tunnels had to be planned and built. For example, the bridge of Grota Funda 180 m long and up to 48 m high. In the years 1945 to 1947, the route had to be overhauled, with many of the iron bridges were replaced by reinforced concrete bridges. In 1986 the railway line was because of the breathtaking scenery that passes through it, excellent.

The importance of the railway line lies in the development of the hinterland of Pernambuco. Thus it was possible with her, people and goods to be transferred in a reasonable time and in large quantities between the hinterland and Recife, which greatly boosted the economy because now strengthened trade and tourism attracted. Only by the highway BR- 232 was the hinterland of Pernambuco, and thus Gravatá, even better use.

The chapel Santa'Ana

In 1810 José Justino Carreiro de Miranda promised to build on the side of his large house, a chapel, which was to be finished after his death by his son João Félix Justiano in 1822. The chapel was decorated in a simple design. The main room was a small cement cross. The 20 meter high tower was covered with blue and white Portuguese tiles. Among the pointed windows was an oval opening and below her the registration is " 1822 ", which marks the year of the opening. In the chapel rural benches made ​​of wood from our own farm were erected. In front, the altar of the patron saints Sant'Anna. On the left is the altar of Santa Inês, Coração de Jesus ( " Jesus' Heart" ) and the baptismal font. On the right is the statue of the " Lord of the sacristy ." The altar of Coração de Jesus ( Jesus ' heart ) is in a deep cavity in the thick wall on the left, next to Santa Tereza ' s altar and the tabernacle. Near the sacristy and the altar do Menino Jesus is ( the boy Jesus altar).


The municipality of Gravatá and the Institute Ayrton Senna founded a training center for about 550 children of the city, aged 9 to 14 years. Children with learning gaps are to be promoted, an intensive study is to guarantee them a sound education. To make the project meet the educational requirements, urban teachers are set and qualified.


The focus of economic Gravatás lies in the primary sector and includes livestock, as well as the cultivation of pineapples, bananas, cotton, corn, potatoes, beans, tangerines, tomatoes, strawberries and tapioca. Intended for export is the breeding of flowers such as roses or chrysanthemums.

Another important industry in Gravatá is the real estate market, which is one of the most important of Pernambuco, which is expected to be mainly on tourism, which is vital for the local economy: so come to around 70,000 inhabitants on some weekends over 50,000 tourists.
