Great Mogul Diamond

The Great Mogul is the fifth largest known diamond in the world. It received its name from the title of Grand Mogul, the led the ruler of the Mughal Empire. The gem was one of their insignia, besides Peacock Throne and the Koh-i - Noor, another famous diamonds.

The Great Mogul was found around 1650 in the Indian Kollur mine in Golconda. The gross weight was 797.5 carats ( 159.5 g) other information call 793, 807 or 817 carats. In the 17th century it was supposedly carved by the Venetian stone grinder Hortentio Borgis to a pointed cone rose. The only surviving description of the bluish diamonds supplied by Europeans in 1665, Frenchman Jean -Baptiste Tavernier.

Since the conquest of Delhi by Nadir Shah in 1739 the stone is considered gone. Some sources indicate the Orlov, a stone, which is also worked in the classical Indian rose-cut is a section of the Great Mogul. However, this is contradicted by most historians.

  • Crown Jewels
  • Diamond (single piece )